Transporter Quarterly Report Help

Transporter Quarterly Report Help

System Functions

The Transporter Quarterly Report (TQR) system is a data-entry and reporting system that tracks manifest waste-stream information. It is designed primarily to track waste-stream information from "milk-runs" -- i.e., transporters who ship toxic substances from multiple generators to disposal facilities.

In this system, transporters enter the manifest waste-stream information, and then post it to the reporting database. Users enter the data using either the on-line data-entry portion of this system, or through files uploaded to DTSC servers, which processes, and then loads, the data to the TQR data-entry area of the system.

Overview of system use

Step 1:

Create a transporter quarterly record. Prior to using the data-entry portion of TQR, the user must create a transporter quarterly record. These records contain the Transporter EPA-ID, the quarter to which the transporter quarterly record pertains, the name of the transporter, and the terminal address. The system must contain one record, per EPA-ID, per quarter, per terminal address. If, as a transporter, you have terminals in, for example, Sacramento and Long Beach, you must have separate transporter quarterly records for the quarter in which you intend to load data, per quarter, for each terminal. Thus, you need a transporter quarterly record for Sacramento, for your EPA-ID, for the quarter, and next quarter, you will need to create another one of these records for that terminal address for that quarter.

Step 2:

Enter the manifest waste-stream data into the system. The preferred method for performing this function is to upload files you have created on your own data-processing equipment; data-entry using an internet interface will not be as efficient as uploading files you create on your system. The system contains functions to upload data, enter the data on-line, delete existing manifest waste-stream data, modify existing manifest waste-stream data, and so on.

Step 3:

Post the data to the reporting system. The system contains a function that you can use to post manifest waste-stream data en masse, or one manifest at a time.

And that's it! The simple-to-use interface enables you to perform all these functions quickly and easily.

Navigation Functions

The TQR system has a "standard" dropdown list of navigation functions you can perform from most screens within the system. These navigation functions are in one of two categories:

1. Quarterly Record Functions, which allows access to:
===>Add a manifest
===>Maintain Quarterly Record
===>Delete Quarterly record
===>Display Quarterly record
===>Display Manifests
===>Add Manifest Data from File
===>Post Manifests
2. Manifest Functions, which allows access to:
===>Change Manifest Number
===>Change Manifest Shipping Date
===>Modify Manifest Data
===>Delete Manifest
===>Reassign Manifest

Depending on where you are in the system, the system will display the navigation options appropriately. For example, you cannot perform any of the manifest functions if you do not have a manifest active. Thus, the manifest navigation options will not appear when you are maintaining a quarterly record.

Creating a Transporter Quarterly Record

You can access the function to create a Transporter Quarterly Record from the following places:

1. From the main menu, (by following the "Create Quarterly Record" link);

2. By selecting "===>Create Transporter Quarterly Record" from the "General Navigation Functions" section of a Navigation pulldown.

When the system displays the "Create TQR Record for transporter/terminal/quarter" screen, enter the data and press the "Create Data" to create the new quarterly record.

Activate a quarterly record

In order to enter manifest waste stream data, you must have an active Transporter Quarterly Record displayed. To activate a quarterly record, from a Navigation pulldown, access the "===>List the quarterly records" option from the list of General Navigation Functions. Enter a valid EPA-ID and an optional quarterly code (to limit the size of the list), and the system will present the list of quarterly records that match the search criteria you entered.

Next, select the quarterly record one which you need more detail, and select the "===>Display Manifests" function from the list of available Quarterly Record functions under the appropriate navigation pulldown (there will be one list of pulldowns for each quarterly record listed, so you are assured of operating on the appropriate quarterly record).

Entering manifest waste-stream data into the system

At this point, you can either enter the manifest waste-stream data on-line using the "===>Add a manifest" function listed in the Quarterly Record Functions section of the appopriate Navigation pulldown, or use the "===>Add Manifest Data from File" function listed in the Quarterly Record Functions section of the appopriate Navigation pulldown to enter the .txt file you have created on your system (the specific construction of the .txt file is described in the help function for that screen).

Modifying manifest waste-stream data already entered into the system

You should review, if necessary, the manifest waste-stream data you have entered into the system prior to posting it. If you determine that some manifest waste-stream data is in error, use the editing functions listed under the "Manifest Functions" of the navigation options to modify the data.

Posting Manifest Waste-Stream Data

Once you have entered all the data into the system and have verified its correctness, you are ready to move the data into the reporting section of TQR. To move the data, activate the appropriate quarterly record and select "===>Post Manifests" from the Quarterly Record functions of the navigation pulldown. Follow the directions on that screen, and you have successfully moved the data related to the active quarterly record to the reporting section of TQR.

Remember, the data will not be in the reporting section of TQR until you post it! This last step is crucial.